Sunday, July 17, 2016

Interface Trip Stop Functionality,Interface trip stop program Technical details , ITS program

There are typically four interface program get triggered at the time of ship confirm. They are 
1  Interface Trip stop
  Packing Slip Report
3  Bill of Lading
4  Invoice

Interface Trip Stop is one of the main interface programs which can be triggered at the time of ship confirm or later as Interface Trip stop - SRS concurrent request.

Interface trip stop has two parts

1.    Order Management Interface (First part)
2.    Inventory Interface (Second part)

Order Management Interface part update the order management tables like OE_ORDER_LINES_All (Update Shipped_Quantity, Shipping_Quantity, Actual_Shipment_Date) and

WS_DELIVERY_DETAILS (make Released_status, OE_INTERFACED_FLAG = ‘Y’) table.

The Inv_Interfaced_Flag remains = X (Pending) or N which will changes to Y after execution of second part

The second part i.e.
Inventory Interface   will be triggered only if the value of OE_INTERFACED_FLAG = ‘Y’ otherwise second part will not be triggered. Even if you try to run this from SRS, these lines will not be picked for processing. 

Inventory Interface part move data from
Also data is deleted from
 Item quantity reduced from MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES and 
MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS is updated with accounting information.

Both these parts are executed simultaneously.

I have observed that in most of time user submit the interface trip stop while doing the ship confirm, but there are considerable cases when customer preferred to run this as a scheduled process without specifying the delivery# or Trip #, because their volume of order processing is very high and they want to run this process during some particular time of the day.

Please make a note that unless this process execute, workflow for Order line is remain at SHIP_LINE Notified and will not progress to Fulfill and finally Invoicing .So while deciding when to trigger this program you have to make sure that when you want to Invoice customer.

One piece of advice that I will give here is, Never try to stop execution of this program, unless you have a very valid reason. Any halt in ITS will result in piling of data in SHIP_LLINE notified workflow status and once you start executing again after a stop it will take a deep dive in terms of your performance.

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